Home » Press Releases » National Disaster Risk Management Fund organizes an orientation session on CBDRM for its awarded projects

National Disaster Risk Management Fund organizes an orientation session on CBDRM for its awarded projects

Islamabad 27 June 2019

Islamabad 27 June 2019 – National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) organized a session on Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB).

NDRMF is committed to making Pakistan resilient by involving the vulnerable groups/community in its Disaster Risk Management (DRM) interventions and building their capacity in an institutionalized manner. NDRMF in this context organized a session with the technical assistance of the Asian Development Bank

The session was attended by the Fund Implementing Partners (FIPs) including Islamic Relief, Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and Agha Khan Foundation (AKF).

The aim of the session was to standardize the CBDRM practices and SOPs to ensure consistency, efficiency, effectiveness & sustainability in NDRMF funded projects. The participants were apprised on CBDRM best practices aiming to adapt standardize practices As per UNISDR Pakistan is the 6th most vulnerable country for climate change induced disasters and this is because of lacking proactive approach to cope with the situation.

As follow up to this session all FIPs shall be further disseminating CBDRM standardized best practices and SOPs at provincial, district and UC levels.

The event was concluded with a note of thanks and appreciation from the participants.



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