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National Disaster Risk Management Fund is a Launchpad to Ecosystem Restoration, Says Amin Aslam

Islamabad, 27th Feb 2020

Advisor to PM on CC, Mr. Amin Aslam, during his visit to NDRMF

Advisor to the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Mr. Malik Amin Aslam, termed National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) as a Launchpad to Ecosystem Restoration that would help in protection and rehabilitation of ecosystem across the country, during his visit to NDRMF office.

Mr. Malik Amin Aslam was briefed on the Fund’s current activities related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Risk Finance (DRF) by CEO NDRMF, Lt. Gen (R) Nadeem Ahmed. The Advisor was apprised of various financial grants provided by NDRMF to provincial governments for the up-gradation of rescue services, provision of flood infrastructure, installation of early warnings systems and retrofitting of public infrastructure amongst other projects to strengthen capacity in most vulnerable districts across Pakistan.

CEO NDRMF also apprised the Advisor on the Fund’s upcoming Ecosystem Restoration Fund (ESRF) which will be funded by the World Bank, due to the efforts of the Ministry of Climate Change. ESRF is focused on providing grants for projects related to afforestation, marine life and blue economy, e-vehicles, water recharge, eco-tourism, biodiversity, and land degradation. ESRF will also finance projects related to Ten Billion Tree Tsunami (TBTT) and Clean & Green Pakistan projects.

Advisor to Climate Change expressed his appreciation for NDRMF’s fund disbursement mechanism as it has efficiently and transparently provided grants related to DRR worth billions of rupees, through funding by the Asian Development Bank. He expressed full confidence that it is due to NDRMF’s track-record and proven ability that the Ministry of Climate Change is placing the World Bank-funded Ecosystem Restoration Fund at NDRMF.

The Advisor lauded the fact that international donors such as the ADB and World Bank are showing confidence in government-owned institutions such as NDRMF. This is a landmark for public sector governance that multi-donor interest has resulted in various financial channels to implement important projects across the country.

Mr. Amin Aslam appreciated that the ESRF is in-line with the broader vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and provided assured NDRMF of full support from the Ministry of Climate Change as it continues to attain various milestones. He reaffirmed the commitment of the present government to mobilize all necessary resources to mitigate the impacts of Climate Change.



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