Home » Press Releases » Consultation Pakistan Country Partnership Strategy 2020 – 2024

Consultation Pakistan Country Partnership Strategy 2020 – 2024

Islamabad, July 08, 2019


Islamabad, July 08, 2019 – The CEO National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF), Lt Gen (R) Nadeem Ahmed termed investment in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) as the need of the hour, for better preparedness to reduce the impacts of any unforeseen natural disasters in Pakistan.

He expressed these views while addressing the session on “Consultation Pakistan Country Partnership Strategy 2020-2024” organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The session was attended by Mr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh (Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs) as the Chief Guest; while representatives from ADB, Economic Affairs Division (EAD), Ministry of Petroleum, Ministry of Finance, Securities & Exchange Commission (SECP), Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Planning Commission, National Highway Authority (NHA), Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program, Ministry of Commerce, Planning & Development Department (KPK), and Planning & Development Board (Punjab & Sindh) also attended the session.

The session focused on macro-economic outlook and reform actions and prioritizing investments for faster economic growth and improved social outcomes. Key elements that should underline investment priorities include the development of human and social capital, modernization of public sector, energy, water, food and security, private sector-led growth, developing a competitive knowledge economy, and importantly modernization of transport infrastructure and greater regional connectivity.

Delivering the keynote address, Secretary Economic Affairs Division (EAD) Mr. Noor Ahmad said that the Government of Pakistan (GOP) is focusing on economic reforms and strengthening institutions for better service delivery, and urged that the new partnership strategy should be aligned with the government’s development agenda. He added that the federal government recently announced a plan to set equitable goals for the next five years, and it is important to make the process of ‘Country Partnership Strategy’ meaningful for a better and prosperous Country.

Addressing the participants, CEO NDRMF Lt Gen (R) Nadeem Ahmed appreciated the significant efforts of GOP in response to the 2005 earthquake to improve the Disaster Management System, including organizational setup and legal framework. He also highlighted that the GOP still has insufficient capacity in managing large scale disasters. This is mainly due to lack of investment in DRR, non-availability of matching response capacities, lack of comprehensive information on multi-hazard exposure and vulnerabilities for informed investment, as well as partially outdated Early Warning Systems, weak coordination mechanisms and lack of expertise in identifying and developing DRM projects.

He emphasized the importance of resilience-building at the community level and urged the private/public sector entities and other relevant stakeholders to invest in CBDRM activities, as well as standardize and adopt integrated and systematic approaches to CBDRM at village and UC levels. In the end, he also appreciated and praised the clean and green Pakistan initiative by the GOP and urged investors for the restoration of the ecosystem.

The consultations provided a platform to all the relevant stakeholders to discuss Pakistan’s developmental issues, country strategy, implementation and results management making a path for betterment and stability.



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