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Pakistan National Emergency and Response Plan for COVID-19

Pakistan National Emergency and Response Plan for COVID-19

Project Code:  GB-012

Fund Implementing Partner: National Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with M/o NHSRC.

Project Profile

Grant Implementation Signing Date

25th March 2020

Project Start Date

25th March 2020

Project End Date

24th September 2020

Completion Time (Duration)

6 months

  • Thematic Area: Health Emergencies
  • Plan: PPRP
  • Entity: Public


The Data is Not Available



1.  Number of hospital, diagnostic laboratories, entry points, and/or isolation centers strengthened for coronavirus preparedness and response.
  • More than 15 hospitals were provided with essential Masks, PPEs, X-Ray Machines and ICU Ventilators
  • Funding Ratio :

100% NDRMF Share

0%FIP Share

    Project Size: Large (>500)

0 M
Total Project Cost
  • Status :
Project Objective

The project aimed to enhance Pakistan’s capacity for preparedness and response for COVID 19.

Project Outcome

Based on the anticipated /forecasted needs of 0-3 months, the project objective was to effectively respond to minimize impact of Corona through surveillance strengthening, case management, infection preventions and control with the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), equipment and other materials for COVID 19 response and preparedness.

Project Impact

Enhanced the capacity of Pakistan for preparedness and response to COVID 19 pandemic by providing backup supplies of PPEs, equipment and other material keeping in view the forecast of 3 month’s needs. This enabled NDMA, PDMAs and other relevant departments to swiftly respond to the rapid emerging situations and needs for case management during the COVID 19 pandemic to render services for prevention and IPC. 

Geographical Coverage

Project Gallery

Targeted Beneficiary

Cater nationwide needs for COVID 19 preparedness and response.
Project Description

The project aimed to enhance Pakistan’s preparedness and response capacity for COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the anticipated/forecasted need of 0-3 months, the project objective is to effectively respond to minimize the impact of Corona through surveillance strengthening, case management, infection prevention and control with the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), equipment and other materials for COVID-19 response and preparedness.

Contact Person

Name: Malik Najaf Khan

Designation: Manager Projects Appraisal and Management

Tel: +92-51-9108300           Fax: +92-51-9108377                         Email: Najaf.Khan@ndrmf.pk

Address: NDRMF, 5th Floor, EOBI House, Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad

SDGs Contribution



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