Maria Jose Poddey

Position: Country Director GIZ Pakistan

With COP29 just around the corner and the robust dialogues on climate change relevant topics happening in country, I am confident that the outcomes from this collaborative thinking will strengthen Pakistan’s position at COP.

Germany’s commitment to climate and energy initiatives in Pakistan is robust. The Pakistan-German Climate & Energy Partnership represents technical and financial cooperation exceeds €500 million. Our technical cooperation is meticulously designed to bolster Pakistan’s climate ambition, and our financial cooperation is pivotal in facilitating a just energy transition, aligning national needs and context with the goals of the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030.

With a few days to go until COP29, I am confident that the collective will, concerted efforts, and rich ideas of the climate community in Pakistan will drive significant progress at home and in Baku. I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the National Disaster Relief Management Fund for their efforts in this regard.



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