“Pakistan Hydro-Meteorological and Climate Services Project”

Hydro-Meteorological and Climate Services ($60 Million)


Improve capability and performance through institutional strengthening of PMD to use the data (meteorological and hydrological) for decision making

Project Area:

Islamabad Capital Territory, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK provinces of Pakistan

Nature-based Solutions and Climate Adaptation ($120 Million)


To enhance climate resilience and adaptation through reinforcing ecosystem services

Project Area:

Component-2 will be implemented throughout Pakistan. Potential locations and methodology for forest conservation, biodiversity and land protection areas have been pre-identified by the provincial governments while locations for the activities under the remaining subcomponents will be strategically identified and prioritized in implementation phase.

Nature-based Solutions and Climate Adaptation


Promotion of Nature Based Solutions

Subcomponent 2.1:

This sub-component will support activities to manage risks of environmental degradation and climate change. Following are the main
7 Thematic Areas:
reversing landdegradation & conservingbiodiversity 4 Afforestation 1 rechargepakistan 2 promotingeco-tourism 3 promoting blueeconomy & restorationof marine protected areas 5 cleanmobility 6



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