Following good management practice, the BOD constituted sub-committees responsible for specialized areas which include:
Audit Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Finance Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Human Resource Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Nomination Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Procurement Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Risk Management Committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |
Technical Advisory committee
Mandate | Composition |
NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & | NDRMF is a government-owned not-for-profit institution registered with the Securities & |