Social Safeguards

NDRMF is a socially responsible organization and has established a structured and systematic mechanism to address social issues as a core function of its management system. NDRMF social safeguards policies are based on its Environmental Social Management System (ESMS). ESMs are in line with existing policies and strategies of the GOP and international best standards of donor agencies. It ensures that the Fund’s financing activities avoid, minimize and/or manage adverse social impacts and enhance positive social values of the projects.

Applicable Policies for Environmental and Social Management System

The premise of ESMS of NDRMF is based on Land Acquisition Act 1894, Safeguard Policy Statement of ADB, 2009, ADB, ADB policy & Procedures on Resettlement, World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy OP/BP# 4.12, National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) and the National Flood Protection Plan IV (NFPP-IV). The objective to devise ESMS is to enhance the social performance, fulfillment of compliance obligations and achievement of socio-economic development by making Pakistan resilient against natural disasters.

Social Safeguards Requirements for FIPs
Fund Implementing Partners (FIPs) are required to fulfill all the obligations towards the ESMS of NDRMF in true letter and spirit. Before submitting a project proposal to NDRMF, FIP has to fulfill the following obligations:
  • Establishment of a socioeconomic baseline of the project area
  • Screening and defining the Social Impacts of the project, both positive and negative impacts
  • Proposal for mitigation measures of adverse social impacts
  • Safeguards the rights of indigenous people towards their indigenous territories
The FIP has to provide the following documents to NDRMF to fulfill the social safeguards requirements of its project according to the project social safeguard requirements and categorization:
  • Due Diligence Report
  • Project Screening Checklist
  • Social Impact Assessment
  • Short Resettlement Plan
  • Resettlement Plan
  • Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
  • Periodical Compliance report on social safeguards implementations
  • Voluntarily land donation proformas
  • Indigenous people Plan
Project Screening and Field Visits

The Social Safeguards unit of NDRMF conducts regular field visits to validate the project information provided by the FIP in accordance to ground realities for due diligence and substantiate the project in the execution stage.

Disclosure of Draft Safeguards Reporting

Draft social safeguards documents or reports are disclosed on the NDRMF website under Disclosure for public disclosure and transparency. Final safeguards documents/reports of NDRMF social safeguards documents are available on the NDRMF website in the Project Document section.

Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)

NDRMF has established its overall GRM to receive and redress the concerns and suggestions for smooth and grievance free implementation of the projects in transparent manners with cultural acceptability. NDRMF and the FIPs ensure the establishment and operationalization of similar mechanisms in the FIPs offices and on project sites. The complaints are received, properly logged and redressed under GRM in a stipulated time frame. The record is available in NDRMF archives.

Social Safeguards

NDRMF is a socially responsible organization and has established a structured and systematic mechanism to address social issues as a core function of its management system. NDRMF social safeguards policies are based on its Environmental Social Management System (ESMS). ESMs are in line with existing policies and strategies of the GOP and international best standards of donor agencies. It ensures that the Fund’s financing activities avoid, minimize and/or manage adverse social impacts and enhance positive social values of the projects.

Applicable Policies for Environmental and Social Management System

The premise of ESMS of NDRMF is based on Land Acquisition Act 1894, Safeguard Policy Statement of ADB, 2009, ADB, ADB policy & Procedures on Resettlement, World Bank Involuntary Resettlement Policy OP/BP# 4.12, National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) and the National Flood Protection Plan IV (NFPP-IV). The objective to devise ESMS is to enhance the social performance, fulfillment of compliance obligations and achievement of socio-economic development by making Pakistan resilient against natural disasters.

Social Safeguards Requirements for FIPs

Fund Implementing Partners (FIPs) are required to fulfill all the obligations towards the ESMS of NDRMF in true letter and spirit. Before submitting a project proposal to NDRMF, FIP has to fulfill the following obligations:
  • Establishment of a socioeconomic baseline of the project area
  • Screening and defining the Social Impacts of the project, both positive and negative impacts
  • Proposal for mitigation measures of adverse social impacts
  • Safeguards the rights of indigenous people towards their indigenous territories
The FIP has to provide the following documents to NDRMF to fulfill the social safeguards requirements of its project according to the project social safeguard requirements and categorization:
  • Due Diligence Report
  • Project Screening Checklist
  • Social Impact Assessment
  • Short Resettlement Plan
  • Resettlement Plan
  • Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
  • Periodical Compliance report on social safeguards implementations
  • Voluntarily land donation proformas
  • Indigenous people Plan



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