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Strengthening of GB Emergency Services (Rescue 1122) at all Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan (Home Department)

Strengthening of GB Emergency Services (Rescue 1122) at all Districts of Gilgit-Baltistan (Home Department)

Project Code:  GB 007

Fund Implementing Partner: Home & Prison Department & GB Emergency Service (Rescue 1122)

Project Profile

Grant Implementation Signing Date

28th November 2019

Project Start Date

28th November 2019

Project End Date

30th November 2022

Completion Time (Duration)

36 months

  • Thematic Area: Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Rescue services
  • Plan: NDMP, SFDRR
  • Entity: Public


The Data is Not Available



1.  No of emergency response capacities established i.e. purchasing of vehicles, equipment, machines etc
  • Fire vehicle 2 Nos.
  • Water vehicle 3 Nos.
  • Ambulances vehicle 7 Nos.
  • Fire motor bike 9 Nos.
  • Fire vehicle truck 2 Nos.
  • Rescue recovery crane truck 2 Nos.
  • Control room solution equipment 2 Nos.
  • Rescue emergency equipment for all districts is equal to 37
2. No of efficient transports and logistics mechanism established to be use during emergency situation
  • Control Room established and fully equipped for efficient transport and logistics mechanism
3. No of search and rescue operations conducted in targeted districts
  • 180 Nos.
  • Funding Ratio :

70% NDRMF Share

30%-FIP Share

    Project Size: Large (<500)

0 M
Total Project Cost
  • Status :
Project Activities

This project is initiated with the purpose of strengthening Emergency rescue services in all Districts of GB with the provision of following equipment:

Project Equipment

Rescue recovery crane under lift & complete accessories and fabrication equipment = 02

Emergency Ambulance with complete fabrication equipment = 07

Rapid response water rescue vehicle (4*2) with complete fabrication equipment = 03

Rapid response fire vehicle (4*4) with complete fabrication equipment =02

Fire tenders (FRV) truck chassis with fabrication & equipment with all accessories = 02

Rapid response fire motor bikes with complete fabrication equipment = 09

Control rooms solutions

Rescue emergency equipment

Tools (PPE’s)

Project Objective

The main objective of this project is to Strengthen emergency rescue services in GB to cater to natural and man-induced disasters for saving lives and socioeconomic conditions of the targeted area.

Project Outcome

Strengthen emergency response services (Rescue 1122) in ten target districts of Gilgti-Baltistan

Project Impact

The vulnerabilities of disaster prone population are reduced and their socio-economic conditions are better protected.

Geographical Coverage

Project Gallery

InterventionsProvinceDistrictProject Site
1. Emergency ambulances 1 No., water rescue vehicles 1 No., fire vehicles 1 No., fire motor bikes 2 Nos.Gilgit BaltistanGilgitRescue office Gilgit
2. Rapid response fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanKhizarRescue office Khizar
3. Rapid response fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanHunzaRescue office Hunza
4. Rapid response fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanNagarRescue office Nagar
5. Emergency Ambulance 1 No., water rescue vehicle 1 No., fire vehicle 1 No., fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanSkarduRescue office Skardu
6. Rapid response fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanGhancheRescue office Ghanche
7. Rescue recovery crane truck 1 Nos, emergency ambulances 2 Nos., fire tenders 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanShigirRescue office Shigir
8. Rescue recovery crane truck 1 No., emergency ambulances 2 Nos., fire tenders 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanKharmangRescue office Kharmang
9. Emergency ambulance 1 No., water rescue vehicle 1 No., fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanDiamerRescue office Diamer
10. rapid response fire motor bike 1 No.Gilgit BaltistanAstoreRescue office Astore

Targeted Beneficiary

Total Beneficiary
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Project Description

Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) being the far-flung and geographically hardest areas of Pakistan is susceptible to natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and landslides/ avalanches. Destruction of property, dislocation of a large number of people and road traffic accidents are recurring phenomenon in this region, especially on Silk Road which results in the loss of many precious lives every year. The only specialized and established department in dealing with such king of any unforeseen calamities across GB is Emergency Service (Rescue 1122) managed by Home Department. As a technically equipped department, the Rescue 1122 is responsible to outreach communities across all districts which is providing timely and critical emergency services as a basic right to the communities. However the existing capacity of Rescue 1122 in terms of contemporary equipment, machinery and technology for search and rescue is insufficient in contrast of emerging tendencies and types of hazards in GB.

This project will contribute to establish an effective system for management of accidents, emergencies and timely response to the victims during major / minor incidents/ disasters through institutional preparedness. Appropriate, judicious and effective utilization of the equipment and technology acquired from this project will reduce disabilities caused as a result of any physical injury or death due to any unforeseen incidents/ calamities. This project will address vital emergency services needs to the Rescue 122 by strengthening existing equipment and technical capacities aiming to meet existing and future challenges of GB.

Contact Person

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SDGs Contribution



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