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From Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R)

From Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R)

Project Code:  PB-002

Fund Implementing Partner:Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS)

Project Profile

Grant Implementation Signing Date

15th May 2019

Project Start Date

15th May 2019

Project End Date

30th November 2022

Completion Time (Duration)

41.5 Months

  • Thematic Area: Disaster Risk Resilience
  • Plan: NDMP, SFDRR, SGD
  • Entity:  Private


The Data is Not Available



1.  Number of established and/or functional disaster risk management organizations at community level
  • 160 Nos. of VDRMCs
  • 16 Nos. of UCDRMC
2. Number of CBDRM plans developed
  • VDMP 160 Nos.
  • UCDMP 16 Nos.
3. Number of CBDRM plans implemented
  • 160 Nos.
4. Number of CBDRM trainings conducted at community level
  • 24 events Village level
  • 2 UC level
5. Number of individuals trained in DRR at community level
  • 480 at Village level
  • 88 at UC
6. Number of volunteer become part of district level emergency response team
  • 487 Nos.
7. Number of capacity building programmes conducted for the volunteer base
  • 24 Nos.
8. Number of volunteer trained on ERT manual
  • 88 Nos.
9. Number of UCs vulnerability and capacity assessments conducted
  • 16 Nos.
10. Number of structural mitigation measures identified (based on VDMPs)
  • 55 Nos.
11. Number of community level structural mitigation measures approved in consultation with relevant public department
  • 55 Nos.
12. One consolidated Initial environmental examination (IEE) conducted for mitigation schemes
  • 1 No.
13. KM of new river training works (flood management structures) constructed using community led approach
  • 1.75 KM
14. Number of flood protection and river training works constructed/improved
  • 21 Nos.
15. Number of structures developed/strengthened for land stabilization
  • 5 Nos.
16. Number project staff trained on gender, environment and social safeguards
  • 84 Nos.
17. % of targets of gender action plan implemented and monitored by PRCS
  • 100 %
  • Funding Ratio :

69.93% NDRMF Share

30.07% FIP Share

    Project Size: Medium (100-500)

0 M
Total Project Cost
  • Status :
Project Objective

The Project was designed primarily in two components i.e. hard and soft components. Hard components were focused on structural and non-structural measures, directed towards two type of priority mitigation schemes i.e. flood protection walls and land stabilization. The soft components were focused on building the capacities of community members and volunteers in targeted districts to be able to better cope with impending hazards or disasters.

Furthermore, the priority areas of intervention under this proposed project taken from NDMP priorities are as follow:


  • Strengthening readiness of the communities through CBDRM.
  • Develop volunteer force (NDMF) for effective response.
  • Structural measures in flood prone areas (river works: embankment strengthening and protection walls), Land stabilization and drought mitigation measures.
Project Outcome

Increased capacity of the communities to reduce disaster risk, through better planning, preparedness, response and resource allocation at governmental and community levels.

Project Impact

People exposed to natural and climate induced disasters (especially women) are more resilient to natural disasters.

Geographical Coverage

Project Gallery

InterventionsProvinceDistrictProject Site
1. Formation of 16 UCDRMCs and 160 VDRMCsAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
2. Formulation of 16 Disaster Risk Management Plans at UC LevelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
3. Formulation of 160 Disaster Risk Management Plans at village LevelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
4. 4 Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) trainings at UC levelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
5. 24 Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) trainings at village levelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
6. Coordination Events at District levelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
7. 480 Individuals trained in DRR at Community levelAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
8. 400 volunteer become part of district level emergency response teamAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
9. 4 CERT capacity building programAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
10. 50 number Project staff training on gender, environment & social safeguardsAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
11. 01 Base line vulnerability and capacity assessment exerciseAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
12. 16 Emergency Response Tool Kits to 16 UCDRMCs.Azad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
13. Construct 21 Flood Protection StructuresAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation
14. Construct 05 landslide mitigation structuresAzad KashmirNeelum, Bagh, Sudhnoti & HattianLocation

Targeted Beneficiary

Total Beneficiary
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Project Description

PRCS focusied on four main outputs to achieve specific results. The outputs will establish mechanisms to build resilience by creating the ability to plan and respond to disasters through the establishment of Community Disaster Management Committees, the development of rural and urban level Disaster Risk Management Plans and strengthening Early Warning Systems. Households will also be encouraged to take up conflict and gender sensitive resilience options by adopting community capacity building approaches focusing on prevention, mitigation and adaptation. Disaster resilient and climate adaptive farming, livelihood protection, infrastructure and clean energy will also be promoted. Similarly, District Fund Management Committees will be established to develop management plans for funding, which will support disaster risk management at the local level. While the fourth output is linked with increasing the institutional capacity in PRCS to address issues of gender & social safeguards to ensure mainstreaming and inclusion (gender, environment, social safeguarding and human rights issues) throughout the project cycle to protect dignity and rights of people through inclusive approaches.

Contact Person

Name: Amina Sadaf

Designation: Deputy Manager Projects Appraisal and Management

Tel: +92-51-9108300           Fax: +92-51-9108377                         Email: [email protected]

Address: NDRMF, 5th Floor, EOBI House, Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad

SDGs Contribution



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