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Climate Change

Pakistan is one of the world’s ten most affected countries, the country’s susceptibility is increased by its geographic location and socioeconomic characteristics. Adaptation measures become essential as Pakistan struggles with the effects of climate change.

The National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) is tackling the pressing problem of climate change and the accompanying financial difficulties. In light of the nation’s susceptibility to natural disasters and the adverse effects of climate change on the economy and society, the NDRMF is devoted to enhancing resilience and financial sustainability. To meet the difficulties posed by natural hazards and the effects of climate change, NDRMF consolidates climate funds through collaborations with international organizations such as the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund. This involves carrying out a variety of initiatives, such as capacity building and infrastructure development, to lower vulnerabilities and boost resilience. In addition, NDRMF uses cutting-edge systems like carbon markets and the blue economy to diversify financial resources and support environmentally friendly methods of enhancing resilience. Through the investigation of new finance channels, the NDRMF enhances Pakistan’s ability to withstand climate change and supports international efforts to combat it. NDRMF sees a more secure, affluent, and resilient future for Pakistan through its progressive approach and dedication to climate integration, even in the face of changing hazards of disasters and the climate.



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